SEO Strategy :How To Avoid 5 MajorGoogle Penalties

SEO Strategy : How To Avoid 5 Major Google Penalties A penalty always has a negative impact, whether for your website or any personal terms. Google’s central purpose is to present consumers with relevant material that matches their search terms. When a search engine crawls your website and finds that it is not following any algorithm rules, there is an issue of penalties. Sometimes your site may be banned from SERP. However, following the right SEO Strategy, you can avoid penalties on your website. Once you are banned, it is a long-term process to solve this issue. So by following the best SEO strategies you can avoid all these problems and a trustable site for all. SEO Strategy: Understanding The Algorithm Every website wants to be on the first page of Google. Because Google has a very complex algorithm that controls the SERPs and gives you a position accordingly, also, it is a little harder to find out Google’s latest scheme as it changes 500 times in a year. So, whenever you are beginning for a SEO strategy for new website, it is vital that you must be well-versed with Google Algorithm So follow Google’s guidelines while designing an SEO strategy and the 200 unique ranking factors of the algorithm to make a good ranking position in SERPs. 5 Major Algorithm That Affects Website In SERP Google constantly modifies its algorithm by adding new rules. But these 5 major algorithms have more effect on webmasters’ work with user experience on search engine result pages. The names are: Panda update Penguin update Hummingbird update Pigeon update Mobilegeddon update These algorithms make it simple for people to see the information they need. Some other points on Google focus also help on rank. These are: Good and unique content for the users. A reliable source of information with a pleasant user experience. Your site must update on a regular basis with new content. Should follow the best SEO strategies. So let us discuss here how to avoid 5 Major Google Penalties and make your website with effective SEO services to get a better result in SERP. Understanding SEO Algorithm For Better SEO Strategy 1. Panda Update The Panda update is the first algorithm update in March 2011 over Google. This update is about giving high-quality and transparent information to the users. If you have the correct content information, you can pull those who have low-quality content. You can raise your search engine results page ranking. This update brings more changes to google and helps users get more relevant and accurate information about what they are looking for. Webmasters give more value to user experience rather than just making a website and brand. Major Updates on Panda: These are three significant updates on the panda that you should follow before creating any content with how to avoid it if you are getting punished by avoiding the panda update. 1. Duplicate content: Google always tries to give the best experience to the users with the best information. There’s a potential Google will punish you if your website includes duplicate information.  There are 2 reasons if you found duplicate content on your website.  First is one particular content on your two different pages. To solve this, add a non-index tag so that the spider cant reach that page, and you will not penalize.  The second is that your content is copied from another site. To solve this, check your content for plagiarism and rewrite that content, making that unique.  2. Bounce rate: Bounce rate means the existing rate. If your site comes in SERP after searching, but the user leaves your page within a very short time, then Google will think that this page is not relevant according to the search query. Next time it will lose the rank or maybe out of SERP. So make your page simple by giving accurate information. 3. Fewer visitors: If you have significantly fewer visitors and they don’t come back regularly. Here Google will be in doubt about your quries. You can also use some attractive visuals for more visitors and update your loading speed.  2. Penguin update This was launched in 2012 to control spammy links. If you create a high quantity of low-quality backlinks in non-relevant sites, then Google will ban your sites and issue a penalty on your site. Some other tricks are also there, going under black hat SEO. * Link scheming: This is buying a high quantity of links by exchanging money to manipulate google. The excessive amount of link exchange also goes under the link scheming process. To avoid such, do only create a link on your relevant sites. *Keyword stuffing: Too much use of keywords in a particular content is like cheating with Google. 3. Hummingbird update This algorithm update came in August 2013. This update is about better understanding the search queries to give accurate results to the users. In other words, the user’s search query intent became more essential than the keyword’s use alone. That means it gives more priority to the long-tail keywords. As a result, you will get a better effect on long-tail keywords than on a particular short keyword. So long-tail keywords are more important because the ranking factors depend on the meaning of the query. So make your content more conversational so that users can create a query that may be related to your topic. Google also uses voice search to avoid language barriers and give relevant results. To avoid penalty, use the right keyword and make it long-tail with conversational content. People can do voice searches through smartphones also. Make an inbound and outbound link for authority. Hummingbird plan: Use tools like keyword planner and make long-tail keywords as a part of your SEO strategy. Make the content as a reader in a conversational style. It is among the best SEO strategies. 4. Pigeon update This algorithm update came in July 2014, mainly focusing on local SEO. That means providing relevant and fast results

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